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Safe Bars

Empowering service industry staff to make a difference

Training staff of any alcohol-serving establishment in sexual violence and aggression prevention.

Safe Bars is an organization that helps bar and restaurant staff create a safe and welcoming environment for patrons, and safe and respectful workplaces for staff. Whether between customers, staff members, or between staff and customer, Safe Bars provides alcohol-serving establishments with the tools to prevent and address sexual assault and harassment.

Thanks to generous funding from the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole, CSN brought the Safe Bars experts to our community to offer their train-the-trainer program to local individuals and businesses. Now, Jackson has a team of Safe Bars trainers that are available to train staff of any alcohol-serving establishment in sexual violence and aggression prevention.

Why is this important?

1 in 4

women will experience some sort of sexual violence in their lifetimes

1 in 6

men will experience some sort of sexual violence in their lifetimes


of sexual assaults involve alcohol

Rates of sexual assault are highest for young adults up to age 34. Approximately one in four women and one in six men will experience some sort of sexual violence in their lifetimes. Jackson Hole has a large population of young people, a thriving bar and restaurant scene, and a high level of transiency. Sadly, sexual violence happens everywhere, and Jackson is no different. With Safe Bars, we can empower folks to make a difference in addressing a problem that often seems overwhelming in scope.

From active bystander skills to de-escalation techniques, Safe Bars trains service industry staff in keeping alcohol-serving establishments safe and violence-free.

Please reach out to adrian@csnjh.org to schedule a time for your bar/restaurant staff to receive the 2.5-hour training to certify your establishment as a Safe Bar.

Schedule a staff training for your business today!

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