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Write a supportive note to a survivor of domestic violence

In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Community Safety Network is hosting an exhibit titled “Dear Survivor” at Teton County Library’s gallery space for the month of October.

“Too often, people who are experiencing domestic violence feel shrouded in fear, shame, and guilt, further isolating them from their support systems. Abusers often capitalize on and leverage these feelings so that a survivor has very few options for escape or change. With this exhibit, we hope to show survivors that our community loves and supports them unconditionally.”

Community Safety Network’s Executive Director, Shannon Brooks Hamby

Join Us!

Save the Date for the Community Safety Network’s reception on Monday, October 7th, 5:30 – 6:30 PM where you can celebrate and view this collective work in an exhibit at Teton County Library. Please join us!

We invite everyone to write a note, greeting card, letter, or postcard with a supportive message beginning with “Dear Survivor,”

  • The message can be as simple as “you’re not alone” or as long and detailed as you like.
  • If you are a survivor yourself, what do you wish someone had said to you, in the depths of your experience with abuse?
  • Or maybe someone did say something that sticks with you to this day – please feel free to share that message with other survivors.

Our goal is for survivors and all community members to see these messages and feel overwhelming love and support. Letters, drawings, poems, paintings—anything that can be displayed and conveys a message of support is welcome.