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Impact Report 2024

Community Safety Network Executive Director, Shannon Brooks Hamby in Jackson Hole Wyoming

Executive Director

Shannon Brooks Hamby

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What does it take to create a community free from violence? Each year, as we share the impact of your support and our work, I reflect on this question. It takes dedicated and expert advocates to offer individualized approaches as we know each person that comes to us experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking is on a unique journey to safety.
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It takes committed community partners who prioritize the safety of their staff and hundreds of donors who recognize their investment ensures that we never turn anyone away. It takes ordinary people who want to better understand how to support their friends and family. It takes a Board of Directors that educate themselves on the dynamics of power and control.

It takes a survivor who bravely rejects the traditional constructs of shame and silence to heal and use their voice to make a difference in the world.

We are all advocates. Thousands of you – survivors, volunteers, donors, students, employers, friends, and neighbors – joined us this year to make our community safer, whether you joined an advocacy training, wrote a note of encouragement to a survivor, participated in a training or joined a club at school.

Your engagement and contributions inspire us! We are excited to share our collective impact over the past year in this year’s digital impact report.

With Gratitude,

Signature of Executive Director of CSN


Shannon Brooks Hamby
Executive Director

Illustration of birds flying

Our mission: To empower those affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking through crisis support, advocacy, and prevention.

In the United States...

1 in 3

1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. *National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


81% of women and 43% of men reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime. These percentages increase for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. *National Sexual Violence Resource Center


As many as 93% of immigrant women have experienced intimate partner violence.

I Would Tell Them to Come

Fernanda’s Story

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Woman feeling strong in warm sunlight.

Over the past year, Community Safety Network


supported 260 clients including 227 adults and 33 children.


supported 109 clients in emergency housing.


answered 292 Helpline calls.


provided 1628 services including safety planning, legal, medical, and emotional support.


bednights in emergency and transitional housing.


Saw the number of our Latino clients increase from 40% to 49%.

Rosa Sanchez, Director of Client Services for the Community Safety Newtork in Jackson Wyoming.

Director of Client Services

Rosa Sanchez

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Here at Community Safety Network, how we work with clients is as important as our support and programs. Creating lasting change in the lives of people affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking starts with engaging each client with deep respect for their individual agency and their ability to make decisions for themselves. As clients explore their choices, we offer compassionate, non-judgmental support.
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Our Service Model Pillars

Dignity of Space

When our guests walk through the door of the Newton House of Hope, our seven-bedroom, five-bathroom emergency housing shelter, one of the first things they see is a sign that says, “please take what you need.”

Read about our approach to helping clients heal from the moment they walk in the door.

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Our Services


Accessible support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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Emergency Housing

Safe short-term communal housing for those in crisis.

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Safety Planning

Ensuring immediate and long term safety needs are met.

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safety planning icon

Transitional Housing

Long-term support and housing for qualifying clients.

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Emotional Support

Compassionate, nonjudgemental support from highly trained staff.

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Financial Empowerment

Classes to encourage financial independence.

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Legal Advocacy

Assistance with protection orders and other legal issues.

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Safe Paws

Partnership with PAWS of Jackson Hole to safely host pets on our campus.

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Director of Education and Outreach

Adrian Croke

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Do you remember where you learned “how” to date? Most of us didn’t grow up with conversations about consent. The opportunity to engage local students in conversations about healthy relationships is critical to creating a world free from violence. Luckily, in our community, those conversations start in middle school as kids explore romantic relationships with their peers. In partnership with school leadership, CSN creates safe, relevant spaces for students to ask provocative questions and consider relationships through a lens of mutual respect.
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Prevention Education

Creating a Community That Does Not Tolerate Violence

CSN Partners with Jackson Hole Mountain Resort on groundbreaking new training to prevent and address workplace sexual harassment.

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community members completed Advocacy Training last year


community members are currently active volunteer advocates


community partners coordinate with CSN to provide support

  • 8th Grade Health Class

    Providing healthy relationship education in conjunction with current health class curriculum.

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  • 9th Grade Health Class

    Providing additional education to promote healthy relationships in health classes.

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  • Athletes as Leaders

    Partnership with boy's and girl's swim teams focused on healthy relationships curriculum.

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  • Coaching Boys into Men

    Healthy relationship program for JH Youth Soccer coaches and players.

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  • Dating 101

    Healthy relationship curriculum for 8th grade students.

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  • Volunteer Advocates

    Community Members are trained to assist others in crisis and share prevention education.

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  • Combat the Silence

    Engaging 7th graders in social-issue advocacy.

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  • Employee Training Workshops

    Helping create a safe and healthy work environment through employee training programs.

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    We integrate FRIES into our middle school Dating 101 Club and 8th and 9th-grade health classes, emphasizing healthy relationships and respectful behavior.

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Board of Directors

Shari Brownfield, Chair

Karen Connelly, Vice Chair

Dawn Pruett, Treasurer

Kathleen Brown, Secretary

Jared Boldemann

Catherine DiSanto

Nacole Hanson

Brendan McDermott

Tracey Millham

Maureen Murphy

April Norton

Linda Taylor

Community Partners

These organizations create a network of support for survivors. We are grateful for their commitment to creating a safe and responsive community.


CSN Annual Report Financials

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$1.3 Million

Our current annual budget

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full-time staff to meet the growing demand for client services

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active volunteers


FY 2024 We could not do the work we do without our incredible donors. They make all of the difference and we are incredibly grateful for each and everyone’s support.

Joe Albright and Marcia Kunstel

Peter and Charlotte Alexander

Charlotte Alimanestianu

Shaun and Betty Andrikopoulos

Anonymous (3)

Antler Inn

Dan and Mary Armour

Geoff and Susan Armstrong

Lettie Arnold

Mark Aronowitz

James and Carolyn Auge'

Mickey Babcock

Dail Barbour

Tyler Barker

Carisa Barnett

David Barnett and Geneva Chong

Jean Barash and Dave Barrett

Theresa and John Becker

Joseph C. and Gainor L. Bennett Donor Advised Fund

Bob and Janet Benz

John Berner

Bill and Martha Best 

Bison Wealth Management

Blue Bear Investment Group

Jared Boldemann and Christine Martell

Tim Bradley and Ruth Harrington

Will and Jennifer Bradof

Julie Bratspis

Nick Braun

Kevin and Sheila Brazell 

Andrew and Margaret Brigham

Stina Brock

Jeff and Audrey Brogan

Clark and Susan Brooks 

Kathleen Brown

Douglas Brown and Lorie Cahn

Nancy Brown

Shari Brownfield

Bonnie Budge

Frank Burgess

C.I.O.S Foundation

Ralph Callaway

Marty and Hilary Camino

Wendy Carlson-Koll

Dan Carson

Changes Hair Salon

Clearview Strategies

Deborah Clemens and John Zendler

Emily Cohen

Jim Coleman

Community Foundation of Jackson Hole

Karen Connelly

Cony Corporation

Clint and Lisa Cook

Cornelson Donor Advised Fund

The Cornell Douglas Foundation 

Michael and Helen Cottingham

Pamela Cutler

Paul and Julie D'Amours

Mitchell Dann

Michael and Shawn Daus

Dave Hansen Whitewater 

Johann Deisenhofer and Kirsten Lindahl

Sue and Pete Dennis 

Arthur and Christine Denton 

Austin DePree

Marguerite Snowdon and Yves Desgouttes

Dr. Lisa Finkelstein and Dr. Marc Domsky

David and Nancy Donovan

Matt Donovan

Andrea Doss

Chad Driewer

Pauline Towers-Dykeman and Paul Dykeman

EcoConnect Consulting

Mike and Diana Eden

Michaela Ellingson

Denny Emory

Chris and Lori Erickson

A. Rodgers Everett

Aida Farag

William Field and Jodie Pond Donor Advised Fund

Kate Field

First Interstate Bank 

Flat Creek Inn

Francine Fleming

Matt and Suzy Floyd

Evelyne Aikman and  Adam Forste

Nicholas and Megan Fouts

Frederick Landscaping

Frederick Mountain Group

Kenneth and Laura French

Ed and Julianne Fries

Fund for Public Education

Garaman Charitable Foundation

Frederick and Julie Gaston

Laura Gaylord

Kate Gersh

Elliot and  Frances Gerson

John and Martha Gilmore

Jack Glasbrenner

Jeffrey and Amy Golightly

Hadden Goodman

Oliver and Christine Goss

Phyllis Greene

Sheldon and Bonnie Guren

Ralph and Louise Haberfeld

Brian Hady

Maho Hakoshima and Margaret Gilday

Dr. Sean and Tracy Haling

Zach Hall

J. Keith Hall

Curt and Shannon Hamby

Hampton Roads Community Foundation

Matt Hansen and Andrea Phizackerley

Nacole and Jake Hanson

David and Leslye Hardie

John and Carol Harkness

Tim Harland and Patrice Kangas

George and Suzanne Harris

Brandon and Laura Harrison

John and Deborah Hechinger

Tom and Laura Hedges 

Henderson Family Fund

Tom and Molly Hendrick

Matthew Herron

Tom Hill

Hill-Snowdon Foundation 

The Alan J. Hirschfield Family Foundation

Edward and Wendy Hobart 

Stephen Hoff and Lenore Jonasson

Bland and Eliza Hoke

Ted and Tammie Van Holland

Shane Hollingsworth

Mark Houser and Susan Juvelier

William Howard Flowers, Jr. Foundation, 

Jack and Carrie Howe

Eric Huber

Hughes Charitable Foundation

John and Dawn Hummel Family Fund

Hungry Jack's General Store

Immigrant Enterprises

Jackson Temp Services

JJ Jaroch

JDJ Family Office Services

Reece Jenkins

Jim Jenkins and Michelle Linville

Desmond Jennings

Karen Jerger and Chuck Harris

Karl M. Johnson Foundation

Christa Johnson

Maddie Johnson

Angela Jordan

Tom and Becky Jordan

Kathy Karahadian

Karns Family Fund

Mike and Luette Keegan 

Kehr Levy Fund

Fred Keller and Sandy Hessler

Donna Kelsey

Peter and Kirsten Kern 

The Robert S. and Grayce B. Kerr Foundation 

Sarah Kerr

David and Shan Kingston

Carrie Kirkpatrick

Roger and Jeanne Kirkpatrick 

Katherine Kline

Kraig Kobert and Julie Birrer

Michael Krasula

Robert and Patty Krause

Charles and Jane Kusek

Ted and Laura Ladd 

Kerry Lamb

Daniel and Margaret Land

Amy Lane

Dr. Christine Laughery

Ed and Jane Lavino

Nancy Lee

George and Val LeFebre

Robert and Miriam Lenz

Ian Levenson and Lea Bonnecaze

Dr. James Little

Janine and David Lloyd

Cody and Shauna Lockhart 

Kelly and Elizabeth Lockhart

Tyson Logan

Maureen Londy

Mary Long

The Lozier Foundation 

Robert and Katherine Lucas

The Luther Family Foundation

David and Kendra Lymburn

Clark and Andy MacKenzie

David and Oriana Madeira

Laurentius M Marais

Clifford Martin

Nancy Martino

Robert E. Mathews Family Foundation

Kristen Mayo

Rachel Wigglesworth and Nate McClennen

Holly McCollister

Brendan and Nicki McDermott

McDowell Foundation

Bo McDowell

Alex McFarland

Mary McSorley

Michael and Kathleen Meyer 

Mike's Body Shop

John and Tracey Millham

Erin Moeller

Tom and Kea Molnar 

Allison and David Monroe 

Amy Moore

Jeff Moran and Amy Glenn

Morgenstern-Davis Family Foundation

Craig and KJ Morris

Morton Enterprises

Maureen Murphy

Dukes and Molly Murray 

David Muskat

Andrew Nehrbas

Nelson Engineering

Anne and Rod Newcomb

Newport Hotel Group

Bill Newton

Douglas and Donna Niemi

Alex and April Norton 

Rose Novak

Jack and Carole Nunn Donor Advised Fund

Obering Family Fund

W. Scott and Kacy O'Hare

Gregory G. Olafson

Kevin and Shelley Olson

Deirdre O'Mara

Patty O'Neil

Matthew and Sandra Ostdiek

Peter and Monica Overly 

Sharon Parrott

Christopher and Carol Peck

Karen Youngblood and James Peck

Hadyn Peery and Samantha Livingston

Laurie Andrews & Perk Perkins Fund

Persephone Bakery

Bob and Ruthie Peters 

Phibbs/Petersen Donor Advised Fund

Pierson Charitable Fund

Gloria Polis

Michael and Dawn Pruett

Gregory and Margaret Prugh

Aaron and Tamsen Pruzan

Ana Quiroz

Jim and Cynthia Radda 

Glenn and Diane Ray

Shelby Read

Joshua and Patricia Reed 

James Rees and Jeannine Lanoux

Fred and Margie Reimers

Nancy Resor

William and Story Resor 

Sandy Ress and Susan Foster

Jordan Rich

Ed and Lee Riddell

Dr. Elizabeth Ridgway

Andy and Carolyn Ripps 

William and Linda Rode 

Elisabeth Rohrbach

Terry and Bert Romberg Donor Advised Fund

Jim Rooks and  Ruth Moran

Bruce and Rosemary Rose

Richard Ross and Joyce Frye

Haley Ross

Melanie Ross

Kristyne C. Rupert Testamentary Charitable Foundation Trust 

Jonathan and Alex Schechter

Skye Schell and Hannah Meier

Tom and Becky Schell 

Barbara Zelazo and Michael Scher

Brian and Maggie Schilling

Debbie Schlinger

John Henry Schmitt

Chuck and Carol Schneebeck

Michael and Claudia Schrotz 

Seidler Foundation

Peter Selkowitz

Michael Sellett

Danielle Shapiro

Nancy H. Shea

Paul and Koreen Sheridan 

Don and Dragon Sherman Starr Donor Advised Fund

Leah Shlachter

Dr. David Shlim and Jane Gallie

D. Barry and Priscilla Sibson

Midge Simpson

Dr. Edward Smail

Lewis and Christy Smirl

Randall and Dorie Smith

Ann Smith

Smokey Hollow Enterprises

Ariana Snowdon

Soroptimist International of Jackson Hole

Susan Spackman

John Spahr

Spirit Dance Foundation

Spring Creek Animal Hospital

Wendell and Rachel Stam 

Stanley Family Fund

Michael and Jennifer Stauth 

Randall and Lenise Stephenson

Kelvin and Nancy Stirn 

George B. Storer Fund

Jesse Stover and Stine Richvoldsen

Dr. Stuart Sugarman

Sweet Life Foundation 

Richard and Barbara Szefc

Catherine Tallichet and Tim Oakley

Tom and Linda Taylor 

Kenneth and Caroline Taylor Family Foundation

Anastatia Taylor

Nancy Taylor

Teton View

Three Peaks Corporate Advised Fund 

Three Elephant PR

Thursday Roundtable

Tom and Patricia Tisone 

Meaghan Tozzi 

Stanford and Barbara Trachtenberg Donor Advised Fund

The Trifecta Fund 

Jennifer Truman

Bruce and Sandra Tully 

Melissa Turley and Chris Stump

John and Christine Turner 

Steve and Amy Unfried

Juliet Unfried

Robert and Laura Vignaroli

Bill Voge

Lynne Wagner and John Labrec

Sandy and Polly Wakeman

James and Linore Wallace

Ward + Blake Architects 

Doreen Ward 

Travis Ward and Margaret Gordon

William E. Wecker Associates

Dr. Kenneth and Lynn Wegner 

Bill and Tracie Welch

Juliann Whelan Donor Advised Fund

Whitley Family Charitable Fund 

John Willott

Katherine Wilson

Pamela Winters

Jeffrey and Barbara Wogoman 

James Wolf and Nan Neth

Stephen and June Wolfson 

Kelvin Wu and Elli Bemis

Peter and Cynthia Wuerslin

Wyss Foundation

Christine Yannelli

Brook and Jessica Yeomans 

Sharon Zumel

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and transparency in all our endeavors. As part of this commitment, we diligently strive to keep our records up to date, ensuring that they reflect the most recent and accurate information. However, we understand that despite our best efforts, errors can sometimes occur. If you encounter any discrepancies or inaccuracies in this report, we encourage you to contact us immediately. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us maintain the integrity and credibility of our records.

four women standing with hands outstretched in a stop gesture. Stop domestic violence. Get help through the community safety network in jackson wyoming
Illustration of birds flying

Help Us Stop Violence in our Community

Your contribution matters and makes a real impact in Jackson.

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