Power and Control Wheel
Abuse is a pattern, and is not limited to physical or sexual violence. Abuse can take many forms but always comes from a desire to exert power or control over another person. Regular or occasional use of non-consensual, coercive, manipulative, intimidating, or controlling behavior in a relationship is abuse.
The Power and Control Wheel is a tool to understand the different forms abuse can take. It can help you understand if what you are experiencing is abuse by identifying controlling patterns of behavior used by an abuser.
Physical and Sexual Violence are more commonly understood methods of an abuser exerting power and control over someone, but behavioral patterns are also abuse. The following are examples of behavioral abuse:
Coercion and Threats
Verbal and written threats to hurt, kill, end the relationship, suicide, or report to authorities
Threatening looks, actions, gestures, destroying property, abusing pets, displaying weapons
Emotional Abuse
Excessive criticism, humiliation, crazy-making (gaslighting), using guilt
Controlling contact with friends and family, policing phone and web use, restricting access to support systems
Blaming, Minimizing, or Denial
Shifting blame and responsibility for abuse, denying abuse happened, saying an abusive incident wasn’t that bad
Using Children, Friends, or Loved Ones
Causing guilt about relationships, using others as messengers, threatening loss of dependents or friendships, manipulating relationships
Using Societal Privilege
Enforcing traditional gender roles, racism, using community influence
Economic and Academic Abuse
Controlling money, stealing money, preventing partner from getting or keeping a job or finishing a degree
Other types of power and control dynamics
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